Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Tutorial Tuesday 8/17

(photo via photobucket)

Hello everyone, long time no blog! Schools back in session so that would be the reason I've been lacking on my Monday & Tuesday regular posts. But, I realized today while I was sitting in Psych class that I want to make bunting. I'm not even sure what for. It's just pretty and makes me feel that there's a party everyday. Life's a party, your house should feel like it!

So, some googling lead me to this tutorial at Stitch. Rip. Repeat.

This project would be great for people who have a ton of scrap fabric on hand. I'm not a fabric person so this gives me an excuse to raid the sale section of my craft stores and go thrifting. Yay thifting!


Don't be shy! Tell me what you think!