Wednesday, December 15, 2010



I'm updating A Cup of Tea, but I haven't had time nor been in the mood to do anything "crafty".

Friday, September 17, 2010

Art is Food for the Soul

Just ask Harmony of Feed Your Soul Art. This gal...she is kind of sort of freaking amazing. The hardest part of crafting for me is time management. I never get anything done because I whine and complain about how much homework I have and blah blah blah but then sit on my butt and read blogs for an hour. Now
(both via her etsy)

Oh and did I mention she's having a giveaway at her blog? Oh, I didn't? Well, there ya go.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Music Mondays: Wrock edition!

Music Playlist at

Oh look, I found a new playlist site! With video!

This post is on of those "well I don't know how this will go over, but I love it so I'm going to share" posts. Lately I've been obsessed with Wizard Rock (or Potter Rock) and, I admit it, it's nerdy, but I adore it. It just shows, you can be inspired by anything!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Tutorial Tuesday 8/17

(photo via photobucket)

Hello everyone, long time no blog! Schools back in session so that would be the reason I've been lacking on my Monday & Tuesday regular posts. But, I realized today while I was sitting in Psych class that I want to make bunting. I'm not even sure what for. It's just pretty and makes me feel that there's a party everyday. Life's a party, your house should feel like it!

So, some googling lead me to this tutorial at Stitch. Rip. Repeat.

This project would be great for people who have a ton of scrap fabric on hand. I'm not a fabric person so this gives me an excuse to raid the sale section of my craft stores and go thrifting. Yay thifting!

Friday, August 6, 2010

My posts, they are meaningful.

You know how some bloggers simply find those images with flowers or rain with white text saying something incredibly deep or depressing?

Well I flippin' made one :D Who's meaningful now.

Don't get me wrong, I love images like these with something inspirational or happy but I recently saw a few that said things such as "I wish I could just disappear" or "You will never know my pain." Why? What's the point of those? To make your readers feel sorry for you? Whatever floats your boat, I suppose.

On a bit preppier note, change is in the air. I'm going to be fixing a few things on the layout, so excuse the mess for the next few days.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Music Monday: The pathetic edition

I don't have access to the interwebs on my laptop so I'm dreadfully sorry for this lame post. I'm typing this on my mothers computer and don't have time to get a playlist together (even though I tried to lean 8tracks today. I failed).

So here's a video by one of my favorite vloggers of a song by All Caps. It's not something I would normally listen to, but the video is adorable. Aaannndd I'm trying to learn a bunch about the art of film making and where else would I do this besides Youtube?!

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Sketch & Scibbles drop

Hehe, I know I said before that I can't draw, but lately I've been trying rather hard to learn. Here's what I've been working on the last few months...and I'm dreadfully sorry for all the photos!

Work in progress...first time trying to get someone to look like a person. I'll do something with the shirt to take the eye off the face 0_0
A quick teaser of my drawing/painting/charcoal mess that I need to do something with...I dunno what yet.Catdog! If I ignore the eraser marks, I like it alot. Of course I had a reference. Oh and what's that? I'm so proud I have close ups? 1 2A very, very rough sketch of a character I never got to use :( He was so charming.

Another rough gentlemen...I seem to have a thing for beards and glasses.

Any ideas to jazz up my rough little sketches? I really would love to learn how to draw correctly so any tutorial links would earn you lots of love for a certain girlie.